If you are a backpacker or hiker, you may have heard about gaiters, so you know they won't bite you. If you haven't heard of gaiters, you are probably still wondering if they will take a hunk out of a leg. Well, let out a sigh of relief. Gaiters are a very helpful bit of equipment for a lot of hiking terrain.
If you have ever hiked on or off trail and encountered snow, water, or mud, you probably wished you had some way to keep your bootlaces and socks dry. Gaiters have a strap that fits under your boot. The strap is connected to a piece of fabric that goes around your lower leg and connects to your laces. This piece of fabric covers the bootlace and the top of your boot. On snow, the gaiters prevent snow from going into your boot; the same coverage works for mud. Water is a little trickier. On beaches or sandy areas, gaiters can also help keep sand and gravel out of your boots.
Keeping these things out of boots helps prevent blisters and pain. Anything that makes hiking more comfortable can be considered a good friend. Wear gaiters and you will definitely have a new friend for life.